Our Partners

October 5, 2011

Thank You Green SuperCamp Sponsors and Partners

Green SuperCamp Sponsors

Part of the success of our camps is made possible by the generous support and sponsorship Adam MacKenzie of BLS Financial, Bendigo provides at each camp.


The support provided by the following sponsors is also gratefully acknowledged. Young people’s lives are changed because you care.

Bendigo Bus Company Logo
IPS Institute Logo APEX Australia
Rosscrae International Logo

Please consider becoming a sponsor

If you, your business or community group would like to change a young person’s life, please contact a member of our team to discuss sponsorship options.

We are incredibly grateful to our supporters

Without the sponsorship, support and assistance of the following organisations, our programs would not be the incredible success that they are and we extend our sincere thanks to you all!

infinite-success the-av-guys mastery-club
wealth-dynamics office-fix  header_logoInform Connection
team-holiday-small officeworks good-2gr8
publicity-princess grow-masters Families Wild final

Partner Programmes

We are proud to work in partnership with the following programmes to ensure a co-operative and coordinated approach to delivering services to young people, their families, schools and communities.

Magic Moments

Magic Moments is a voluntary organisation focussed on building the capacity of our Youth, especially in educating young people about business and entrepreneurial endeavour.

We are proud to work in partnership with the Magic Moments Foundation and our own Heather Yelland is a speaker at the Annual National Youth Summit.

For further information about the summit please visit: magicmoments.org.au/youth-leadership-and-business-summit

Mind Depot

During nearly ten years of providing professional counseling and coaching services, we always receive feedback from our students that “if I had learned these skills and knowledge ten years ago, my life would be totally different!” We are also repeatedly asked about these questions, “Our children are in their adolescence. Do you have any course for them?” Meanwhile, we met some young clients, who are having increasingly severe generational gaps with their parents, different confusion in life and don’t know what to do or what kind of help they should seek… We, therefore, start looking for a suitable course for these teenagers. Through plenty of searches and onsite inspections, Super Camp came into our cross hair. When our own children came back from Super Camp, we realized some impressive changes in them – significantly improved confidence, full of responsibility, and a lot more motivated when they start doing things. These amazing outcomes greatly encourage us to promote Super Camp program in our Chinese community.


If you like it, share it!

The other way to pay it forward is to share your love of camp! The more people who know about Green SuperCamp Australia, the more opportunities all young people will have to experience it for themselves. If you need an information pack, please contact a member of our team, or just direct them to our website or Facebook page.